

I'm cutting the ribbon, and opening myself up to this new adventure.  Like the flowers springing up from the ground on this unseasonably warm February day, I can't wait to get started!

This is the first step on my journey to wherever my heart leads me.  I feel driven by this quote...

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman

So, this is me, coming alive.


  1. Yay! Way to go. Love the look of your blog. So glad to be one of the first to comment here. I wish you lots of success and happiness on your new path. You can't go wrong if you listen to your heart.

  2. Dear Kelly-I am so glad that you are "coming alive" but hey...I always saw you shining bright:)will reply to your e-mail soon. xxx

  3. so happy to have found your groundbreaking ceremony. love the space so far!
    and the quote really speaks to me...wonderful!!!

  4. ah yes - awesome quote! :) And awesome space! I love Far Out Farm - can't wait to see it grow - and I love your About Page. :)
