
If I Had a Million Dollars...

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I'm so moved by this sad, sad story, and so amazed at the beautiful way this father has chosen to honor his daughters, and channel his grief.

If I had a million dollars, I'd hand it right over to the Lily Sarah Grace Fund.

Just Spring

I'm just going to focus on Spring, and ignore the fact that I saw snowflakes, this morning, fluttering around with the butterflies.

Ignorance is bliss.

To See A World

"To see a world in a grain of sand,
 And a heaven in a wild flower,
 Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
 And eternity in an hour." 
- William Blake

Do you have any big plans for Earth Day?

Flowery Finds

I find myself in a thrift store or flea market quite regularly least weekly. I'm on a quest to find a Polaroid sx-70 camera at a decent price. I was never really interested in the Polaroid thing, but somewhere along the line, I caught the bug.

While I'm questing though, I don't mind picking up a few other things along the way...
Like, 2 yards of vintage flowery fabric, and three fun, colorful plates. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet, but, as always, the fun is in the finding.

Stepping Back

I think it's necessary, sometimes, to take a step take in the scenery, enjoy it, and figure out just where it is that you're stepping next.


I stopped by our local thrift store again yesterday. I can't help myself. I was in the neighborhood, and places like that tend to just suck me right in.  I wasn't looking for anything in particular. I was walletless, and completely unprepared if I should find anything anyway, but, of course, I did...*sigh*.

Back in the "man room", as they call it, (which, by the way, I take exception to, because that's where they keep all of the electronics and camera equipment), I found an old cigar box, similar to one I had as a kid.

I've had a thing for cigar boxes ever since the movie, Paper Moon.  I was just a little bit younger than Tatum O'neal when she played the character, Addie, in that movie, but I felt just as wily, and independent, and head strong as her character.  I loved the cigar box she carried around with her; all of her very special things hidden in the bottom.

I picked up the box, and noticed it had the words "flower fund" scrawled across the top of it. That's when I knew I had to have it. I felt like it was a gift placed there just for me.

It didn't have a price on it, but I was walletless anyway.  I thought, if I was lucky enough, maybe I could scrounge some loose change, or a stray dollar from the car, but I had to do something!  It was fated!

The transaction went down something like this...
Because there wasn't a price on it, the clerk called the owner.  The owner said to charge $1.00 for it.  I haggled the price down to $.50 (because it was half off day).  Then, I went out to my car, and found $.43 in small change in the console. Grrrr.

That's about the time I went mad, tearing my whole car apart for the final $.07.  Miraculously, I found a dime under the floor mat, and good thing too, because with tax, the box came to $.53...exactly (and all) that I had.

I don't know what any of this means.  Like, why I felt the box was a gift just for me, or why I had to have it...or even what I'm going to do with it, but I can't help but think it means something. It's got mean something, right?

I'm pretty sure the clerk thought I'd lost my mind (or never had it), when I blurted out, "I feel like I just won the lottery!"

I'm a simple person; easy to please (obviously), but now I really hope I do win the lottery, because my flower fund is empty.