

I stopped by our local thrift store again yesterday. I can't help myself. I was in the neighborhood, and places like that tend to just suck me right in.  I wasn't looking for anything in particular. I was walletless, and completely unprepared if I should find anything anyway, but, of course, I did...*sigh*.

Back in the "man room", as they call it, (which, by the way, I take exception to, because that's where they keep all of the electronics and camera equipment), I found an old cigar box, similar to one I had as a kid.

I've had a thing for cigar boxes ever since the movie, Paper Moon.  I was just a little bit younger than Tatum O'neal when she played the character, Addie, in that movie, but I felt just as wily, and independent, and head strong as her character.  I loved the cigar box she carried around with her; all of her very special things hidden in the bottom.

I picked up the box, and noticed it had the words "flower fund" scrawled across the top of it. That's when I knew I had to have it. I felt like it was a gift placed there just for me.

It didn't have a price on it, but I was walletless anyway.  I thought, if I was lucky enough, maybe I could scrounge some loose change, or a stray dollar from the car, but I had to do something!  It was fated!

The transaction went down something like this...
Because there wasn't a price on it, the clerk called the owner.  The owner said to charge $1.00 for it.  I haggled the price down to $.50 (because it was half off day).  Then, I went out to my car, and found $.43 in small change in the console. Grrrr.

That's about the time I went mad, tearing my whole car apart for the final $.07.  Miraculously, I found a dime under the floor mat, and good thing too, because with tax, the box came to $.53...exactly (and all) that I had.

I don't know what any of this means.  Like, why I felt the box was a gift just for me, or why I had to have it...or even what I'm going to do with it, but I can't help but think it means something. It's got mean something, right?

I'm pretty sure the clerk thought I'd lost my mind (or never had it), when I blurted out, "I feel like I just won the lottery!"

I'm a simple person; easy to please (obviously), but now I really hope I do win the lottery, because my flower fund is empty.


  1. Okay, you just convinced me to go to our thrift store today. Maybe I'll find my own little jackpot like you.

    My big sister and I each had cigar box collections growing up. Our local drug store would have them out back to throw away, and we'd scrounge through them on our way home from school and find just the perfect one to store all our top secret treasures in. They're hard to come by these days, haven't seen one in ages. Beautiful pix! Happy Wednesday!

  2. Dear sweet Kelly-your story just made me smile so huge...and deep in my heart too where all the real smiles happen:) I just LOVE it!!!! I hope you win the lottery too. But...with your winning attitude and easy from the soul deep down dear friend...I think you already have:) xxx

  3. P.S. I will be sending you an e-mail soon I hope. tara is down with the flu...getting her around other kids now so every week it's something else:)

  4. I love this story! It's quite obvious this box was just waiting for you. ;)

